The Family; A Proclamation to the World

The Family; A Proclamation to the World

The Rock Upon Which We Are Built

Family: People may think of it as something more along the lines of a thought or ideal. The Beaver Cleaver family vs. the Adams family. Opposite ends of the family spectrum, but they all have one thing in common that all families have in common no matter what and that is the foundation on which we build upon.

This document called "The Family: A Proclamation To The World" is what I will be building this blog upon because I believe that if each individual of a family and the family as a unit build upon this foundation it Will Not Fall.

Saturday, November 29, 2014

The Controversy of Gender
     Here is a riddle for you: A father and son got in a car accident together and were rushed to the hospital. They were put in an adjoining room with a curtain running down the middle. The son needed to have surgery and when the doctors came into the room one spoke up and said, "I can't operate on him, he is my son." How can this be?

     With this entry I might lose some people, but I want to speak up on it anyway. Before we go any further I want you all to know that I believe that gender is a huge determination about the structure of a human being. I believe that God does NOT make mistakes and that the way you were born is how you were born and that was no mistake. God didn't just slip up a couple of times or get sloppy. If we believe that God is truly a perfect being then you were made how He wanted you to be. 
     I also strongly and firmly believe in loving everyone no matter what. I believe in loving the sinner and hating the sin. Do not assume or take from this that I am an extremist or a hater of anybody. There are questions that I just don't have the answer for like why some people are attracted to their same gender, but I know that marriage should be between a man and a woman. 
     There is also big questions about girls that are tom-boys and guys that are feminine. Well in one of my classes my professor asked the girls to list out some things that they want in their ideal man. The list included things like; sensitive, caring, creative, passionate, well dressed and compassionate. Well to me that sounded a lot like some men claiming to be feminine or even gay. There is nothing wrong with any of these traits, in fact they are what attracts women to men.
      My professor also has been confronted by gay couples that say, "Why do you even care how we live, it's not like it's effecting anybody else!" fududududududuh! For every gay man couple there are 2 women in the world that will be robbed of the experience of being loved by her husband, to have children and to grow old with her family. What a sad consequence. Even though I do not wish to trample on anybody's beliefs or rights I will not apologize for my view that gender was given to us as a gift from God and that it is a part of us. 
     I will not look down on those who have a difference of opinion then me and I only wish to be treated with the same respect.

Answer to the riddle: The doctor was the boys mother. If you had a hard time figuring this out it is because your brain wouldn't let you figure that the doctor was a woman. What does this have to do with gender roles? Everything! Just because we are different genders doesn't mean we are not equal. On things like our careers it doesn't matter with gender, but in life we need each other. We need each other to survive, to grow, to learn and to continue life. So so important!!!

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